The Creative FLIP project partners organized and proudly presented the Stakeholder conference titled FLIPPING PERSPECTIVES – MAXIMIZING EXCHANGE. The event took place in-person at the vibrant and spacious LaVallée Creative Hub in Brussels on 16 March 2022, with parts of the program live streamed for the online audience.
An interesting program of inspirational speeches, thought-provoking panel discussions and interactive sessions provided plentiful opportunities for direct exchange and networking. The full speaker line up, photos and all recordings can be found below.
Participants used the chance to discuss issues relating to the working conditions of artists, sustainable and resilient cooperation settings for and with the sector and how to support CCSIs in finding the right opportunities suited to their financing needs, and to strengthen their financial literacy. Participants also got a chance to visit the So You Need Money BOOTH to get an exclusive glimpse at the upcoming Creative FLIP Tool which aims to explain and help find financing sources for CCS stakeholders.
In the afternoon, interactive parallel sessions offered a comfortable setting for intensive discussions and exchange, contributing to the Creative FLIP’s future activity planning and recommendations to be issued:
Parallel session: Working conditions of non-standard workers in the CCS
“This stocktaking workshop focussed on the position of self-employed workers in the CCS. Participants from different member states provided us with a very diverse picture of the position of self-employed workers within social security and the labor market. This puzzle asks for more thinking on how to improve the position of self-employed through recommendations on a EU-level.”
Parallel session: So You Need Money? Tool (SYNM Tool)
“During this interactive session, we explored how this online tool will support CCSIs in finding the right opportunities suited to their financing needs and how it will also contribute to strengthen their financial literacy. After an explanation of the development process, from vision to implementation, the FLIP partners ECHN and IDEA Consult moderated discussion tables. This was an opportunity to collect both valuable feedback on the tool and information on funding programs and financing opportunities. The development team will now process the feedback in order to improve the tool and make it even more user-friendly and effective.”
Parallel session: Crossing sectors for positive transformation with the CCS
“This session on Cross-Sectoral Transformation Perspectives mainly addressed question of how to establish sustainable and resilient cooperation settings for and with the cultural and creative sectors in view of major EU foresight scenarios. Stakeholders and policy makers from the whole of Europe exchanged related views on actors, governance and methodologies of transformation. The deliberations were enriched by several session of the inforelais serious game “The Future (Policy) Mixer” to develop initiatives for positive change related to demographic, democratic and water-related future challenges.”
On behalf of the Creative FLIP project partners we thank all participants for joining us on this journey to FLIP PERSPECTIVES for and with the CCS whilst MAXIMIZING EXCHANGE between peers throughout the different stages of policy making !
(in-person + live stream) | |
09:00 | Registration open |
10:00 – 10:40 | WELCOME ADDRESS
10:40 –11:00 | FLIPPING PERSPECTIVES How does the Creative FLIP project work towards supporting a healthy and resilient ecosystem for CCS
11:00 –11:30 | IMPULS INTRO: inspiring directions of bouncing forward Moderator: Joost Heinsius, Creative FLIP Senior Expert, Values of Culture and Creativity
11:30 –12:00 | Break |
12:00 –13:00 | FLIPPING POLICY PERSPECTIVES for the CCS to BOUNCE FORWARD Panel discussion Moderator: Maciej Hofman, EU Affairs Advisor, European Cultural Foundation
13:00 – 14:00 | Lunch Break |
(in-person only) | |
14:00 – 16:15 | MAXIMIZING EXCHANGE Interactive Parallel sessions 1.Working conditions of non-standard workers in the CCS How are they represented, how do they help themselves and what is their position within social security systems? 2.So You Need Money? Tool How can an online tool support CCSIs in finding the right opportunities suited to their financing needs, and strengthen their financial literacy? 3.Crossing sectors for positive transformation with the CCS Which sustainable and resilient cooperation settings for and with the cultural and creative sectors in view of major EU foresight scenarios |
16:15 –16:30 | Break |
16:30 – 17:15 | CONCLUSIONS Presentation of results from the working groups
Closing words
17:15 – 19:00 | NETWORKING APÉRO |
10:00 – 12:00 | IP STAKEHOLDERS MEETING ON IP TOOL DEVELOPMENT The meeting aims at introducing the IP tool developed by the Creative FLIP project, getting further ideas and feedback from the stakeholders, and validating the pre-final database. (by invitation only; if you are interested in participating, please contact: ) |
14:00 – 16:00 | ESCO USER EXPERIENCE TEST Interactive session investigating ESCO’s usability for composing cultural-creative CVs or vacancies (by invitation only; if you are interested in participating, please contact: ) |