

Kickstarting the Next Phase of Creative FLIP!

Kickstarting the Next Phase of Creative FLIP! We are thrilled to announce the launch of a new and exciting phase of the Creative FLIP project! Last […]

What do you mean by ‘status of the artist’?

What do you mean by ‘status of the artist’? An overview of frameworks addressing working conditions in the cultural sectors in EU countries In light of […]

Policy recommendations for a clearer representation of the CCSI in labour market taxonomies and statistical frameworks

Policy recommendations for a clearer representation of the CCSI in labour market taxonomies and statistical frameworks On the occasion of the European Year of Skills, several […]

Creative FLIP’s suggestions for using ESCO for refining the occupational scope of the CCS

Creative FLIP’s suggestions for using ESCO for refining the occupational scope of the CCS November 2023 Creative FLIP strives for a more comprehensive coverage as well […]

Final Publication-Learning Labs

November 2023 Hot off the press!Read our publication about the 2022/23 LLabs! The Creative FLIP team is proud to share its newest publication about the Learning […]

FLIP FORWARD | Culture & Creativity Beyond Boundaries

Join us in Brussels where we will showcase the main results produced by Creative FLIP Project in the past two years! We look forward to continuing the exchange with our community under the slogan FLIP Forward: Culture & Creativity Beyond Boundaries

OPEN CALL – Creative FLIP is looking for a Researcher on working conditions

06 July 2023 In the context of its Work Package on Innovation, the Creative FLIP consortium and expert Joost Heinsius, have conducted intensive research on the […]

This was the 2022/23 cohort of Creative FLIP Learning Labs Program

June 2023 This second edition of our own Learning Labs Program is coming to an end. It has been a school year full of learning, creativity, […]

Learning Labs Networking Meeting 2023

Impact harvesting & stories worth telling Madrid, March 2023 On 21 and 22 March a group of 20 cultural practitioners and cultural managers representing this year’s […]

Anda Cowork and Creative Spark P2P Exchange

In late November and early December 2020 Creative Spark from Ireland hosted Anda Cowork form Granada in Spain for a virtual exchange visit.

BIZkoshnica and CRU Cowork P2P Exchange

Between November and December of 2020 BIZkoshnica Coworking from Zagreb, Croatia and CRU Cowork from Porto, Portugal had the chance to develop a P2P exchange focusing on the topic of Mindfulness.

Officine On / Off and FOR Present “Creative Hubs in Times of Covid-19”


Culture Hub Croatia and Anykščiai Art Incubator P2P Exchange


Espacio Arroelo and Zip House P2P Experience

During December of 2020 Espacio Arroelo had the chance to develop a P2P experience with Zip House in Moldova.

Nova Iskra and Creative Mentorship (Serbia) visits CRU Cowork (Portugal)

The thematic focus of our p2p exchange was mentorship, especially one dedicated to the actors and professionals from the creative sector. We used the opportunity to understand and map the potentials of the hosting hub in order to raise awareness on the value of mentorship and create guidelines for development of the future mentorship program for the hosting hub (CRU).

Creative Spark visit to Baltic Creative 15th-18th October 2019


Building irrigation sprinkler with Fablab Lisboa


Lottozero visits STPLN
