

Creative FLIP announces results of the OPEN CALL for Ambassadors of Change!

We are extremely pleased to announce the final selection of 14 proposals for the Ambassadors of Change program. Ambassadors of Change are Creative hubs who have […]

Creatives Unite celebrates its 1st year anniversary!

Creatives Unite was born in response to the pandemic and the pressing need to gather in one place pertinent initiatives and information related to the CCS […]

Open call for applications | Creative hubs – ambassadors of change

Open call for applications Creative hubs – ambassadors of change *Applications now closed Creative FLIP P2P exchange program Third Round Sharing learnings and good practices What […]

Creative Flip Learning Labs to kick off

Creative FLIP is happy to see the 15 selected hubs kicking off their Learning Labs

P2P exchange is moving online

As travel restrictions of each country are rapidly changing because of the pandemic, selected participants can now opt for an online adaptation of their exchange.

Creative FLIP announces results of the OPEN CALL for Learning Labs Program!

We are extremely pleased to announce the final selection of 15 Learning Labs Proposals.

6 months Creatives Unite

Creatives Unite, the platform by the cultural & creative sectors for the cultural & creative sectors.


Creative hubs to introduce creativity to schools, universities & all kinds and levels of education!

Guiding resilient financing systems for the CCS – Creative FLIP publishes analysis report

Creative FLIP is proud to share with you an analysis report which aims at a more crisis-resilient Access to Finance eco-system for the cultural and creative sectors.

Creative FLIP holds a workshop at the ECIS 2019, Helsinki

On 11 September 2019 Creative FLIP participated in the 9th European Creative Industries Summit (ECIS) held in Helsinki. The Creative FLIP team had the opportunity to present the project to the general audience and to host a workshop on access2finance for CCIs.

P2P exchange program first round results


Creative FLIP at the ECIS 2019 in Helsinki

The Creative FLIP team looks forward to presenting at the European Creative Industries Summit (ECIS) in Helsinki on September 11th 2019.

Interactive Workshop on Finance for CCIs

On 18th June 2019, the Creative FLIP Finance Team led by IDEA Consult, together with Inforelais and Values of Culture, held an Interactive Workshop on Finance for Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) at the Goethe-Institut in Brussels.

Creative FLIP Opening Conference

The Opening Conference of the Creative FLIP Project took place from 11-13 April 2019 in Athens, jointly with the First meeting of the European Creative Hubs Network.

Open Call for Peer-2-Peer (P2P) Exchange Program for Creative Hubs

Creative FLIP launches the first round of its Peer-2-Peer (P2P) Exchange Program for members of the European Creative Hubs Network, aiming at engaging peers from creative hubs across Europe, supporting cooperation, exchanging of best practices and exploring innovative ways of collaboration.