November 2023
Creative FLIP strives for a more comprehensive coverage as well as a better visibility and accessibility of CCS-related employment information in European statistics but also in the European Skills, Competences and Occupations taxonomy (ESCO). Cultural occupations occur at almost every skill level and with a broad variety of skills specialisations, and thus are scattered all over the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) which currently provides the main reference point for categorizing the occupational scope of the CCS. But even at the most detailed level of ISCO, you cannot in all cases distinguish relevant from irrelevant content. Furthermore, CCS-relevant ISCO categories have, to date, only been identified for the CCS as a whole, and not for individual domains like Visual Arts or Performing Arts. As a consequence, employment information can be presented at the detailed, yet fragmented level of individual ISCO groups, or aggregated at the level of the CCS as a whole, but at the level of specific cultural-creative domains it is currently impossible to make any statements.
We addressed this challenge by using the ESSnet, 2012 / Eurostat, 2018 definition of cultural occupations and applying it to ESCO. Check out Annex I to e.g.
Did we inspire an interest to use ESCO for describing cultural-creative skills profiles? Then check out the “Tips and Tricks” we have prepared for you!
Read the full publications below.