Creative FLIP Learning Labs

Creativity and transversal skills play a crucial role for the future job market and job profiles, nevertheless, the inclusion of these aspects into skills development approaches is still incomplete.

Therefore, during the European Year of Youth 2022, Creative FLIP supports a second round of the Learning Labs Program. After the successful pilot round in 2020/21, CCS organizations and structures establish cooperation projects with schools, introducing students to creative professions and building ties with their local community.

Below you can discover each of the individual Learning Labs projects and how they built the bridge between cultural & creative professionals on the one hand, and students of Primary and Secondary schools on the other hand.

To learn more, check out our publication about the programme, including lots of background stories, lessons learnt, videos, photos and more!

As part of the initiative, students explored creative and transversal skills through a co-creation project, while also discussing and learning about related topics such as the importance of protecting and respecting intellectual property and creations.

Across eleven countries, our Creative Facilitators, representing different sectors such as Architecture, Design & Fashion, Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Media and Press, Audio-visual and Cultural Heritage & Museums, introduced creative and transversal skills at local schools.

Watch this short documentary that follows the students and facilitators of
Creative FLIP Learning Labs Program over the course of a whole school year.

Mikser &
Kralj Petar Prvi Elementary School

Title: Co-Create Change!
Thematic Focus: Drama (Theatre) / Video making
Location of activities: Belgrade, Serbia
Age group: 11-12

Mikser &
Kralj Petar Prvi Elementary School

Bringing closer the magic and methods of dramatic arts, “Co-create Change!” is a series of interactive workshops propelling students’ creative thinking and compelling storytelling on responsible behaviour towards nature’s and human’s wellbeing. The project aims to nurture a multitude of students’ creative talents and contribute to further development of their skills in meaningful use of new technologies (creative and educational use of mobile phones, video capturing and editing tools, responsible use of communication and dissemination channels, etc.). The project’s goal is to empower children to influence their environment to live a healthier, more sustainable life by activating their creative potentials and giving them “voice” and tools to creatively shape their messages. While learning through playing and exchanging tips on more sustainable attitudes, as well as mastering in transforming that knowledge in powerful stories, students will increase their knowledge of creative disciplines and gain self-confidence about their own impact on positive change of behaviour, not only within their family, but also in a wider community they belong to.

The co-creation process will result in 4-5 short video stories.

3rd Gymnasium Peristeriou

Title: Our Theatre P.L.A.Y. - Production Learning Activities for Youth
Thematic Focus: Production and staging of a theatre play
Location of activities: Athens, Greece
Age group: 13-15

3rd Gymnasium Peristeriou

Our Theatre P.L.A.Y. intends to bring theatre to the hearts of young people, broaden their career perspectives in the field of performing arts and to create awareness about accessibility of the Arts. The principles of collaborative efforts are at the core of inclusion and participants will have the opportunity to acquire skills, implement them as they work step-by-step to produce their own play and share them with their peers and families. Students of varying skills will get together to train, work, perform – assume production responsibilities, mostly in an unfamiliar environment, thus enhancing their social and group skills and work dynamics they will acquire in the process. The empowerment, positive reinforcement, and increased self-esteem that theatre offers are essential in the educational and social framework of youth. THEAMA – Inclusive Theatre  is the first professional, all-inclusive theatre group, with disabled and non-disabled artists operating in Greece since 2010.
The co-creation process will result in a stage performance on December 3rd, on the occasion of the International World Disability Day. Read full article & interview with THEAMA

Fundación &
I.E.S. Blas de Otero

Title: How to make & publish your own collaborative podcast
Thematic Focus: Podcast
Location of activities: Madrid, Spain
Age group: 13-17

Fundación &
I.E.S. Blas de Otero

This Learning Lab aims to give in-depth and practical insights on how to do journalism in the internet era with a much polarized public opinion and the declining legitimacy of the traditional press. Students are introduced to key topics and concepts related to journalism in the internet era with a particular emphasis on podcast and radio journalism. At newsroom and radio studio participants are guided along the way as they develop and record their own podcast with studio, interview and reportage elements.

The podcasts resulting from this Learning Lab are presented in a public screening at the school in spring 2023 with the school community present and will, additionally, be broadcast in selected audio internet services.

Lottozero textile laboratories &
Kunstgymnasium Walther von der Vogelweide Bozen

Title: Fashion School
Thematic Focus: Fashion and textile design
Location of activities: Bolzano, Italy
Age group: 16-17

Lottozero textile laboratories &
Kunstgymnasium Walther von der Vogelweide Bozen

The goal of this Learning Lab, Fashion School, is to help the students of the collaborating Arts High School to understand the job outlook in the fashion and textile fields and go from having a very generic idea, to actually taking the steps towards a successful career that heavily involves and shines a light on their creative talent and the following career paths: surface designer, pattern maker, embroidery designer and trend forecaster.

The lab functions as introductory workshop, providing an insight into the fashion world and a visit to a local fashion reality where the students have the opportunity to experience the discussed careers and related skills in real life with seasoned fashion professionals.

Following this introduction and as a result of this Learning Lab, each student has the opportunity to create small samples of textiles and patterns or a mood board that can actually be used as part of their portfolio to apply for art and design schools and universities.

Cine Clube de Viseu &
Escola Básica Aquilino Ribeiro

Title: Com 5 reis de gente e alguns Bichos – the making of an animated film from Aquilino Ribeiro literary works for children
Thematic Focus: Cinema & animation films
Location of activities: Viseu, Portugal Age group: 9-10 --

Cine Clube de Viseu &
Escola Básica Aquilino Ribeiro

The Learning Lab Com 5 réis de gente e alguns Bichos is being developed and implemented with a 4th grade class of the EB Aquilino Ribeiro School. It emerges as an opportunity to explore with the various artistic areas involved in the making of an animated film. The project allows students to explore the literary work of Aquilino Ribeiro, valuing the national literary heritage, in this case, a writer with local origins in Viseu. Using the theme of the author's children's books, it will also arouse interest and curiosity about the local natural heritage: animals, vegetation, landscapes.

Format: In the course of the academic year 2022/2023, in 20 sessions, the class students are meeting creative professionals involved in animation film making: producers, film director, screenwriter, illustrator, musician and graphic designer and will explore and develop the creative tasks required to make an animated film.

The co-creation process will result in a short animated film, presented at school as well as a local cinema.

Creative Spark &
St Mary’s College

Title: Shaping the world around us – FabLab
Thematic Focus: Product Design
Location of activities: Dundalk, Co. Louth, Ireland
Age group: 15-16

Creative Spark &
St Mary’s College

This co-creation project aims to explore the process of product design. As part of their Transition Year, students will consider their school, the building and the people using it, to identify a real world problem for their mini business. Giving consideration to the various manufacturing processes and technologies available in a FabLab, working in groups, students will create a product that offers a solution to the identified challenge.

The workshops explore local creative careers, idea generation, design thinking, rapid prototyping, intellectual property rights, digital design, fabrication and manufacturing skills, and the core knowledge to become an entrepreneur.

This project will culminate in a product pitch event held in the school in December where groups will present their product business plan including their research and learning journey.

Read full article & interview with creative spark

Peripatos &
1st Primary School of Vrilissia

Title: Σχολείο γεμάτο Πολιτισμό - School full of Heritage
Thematic Focus: Cultural Heritage, Museums/Exhibitions
Location of activities: Vrilissia - Athens, Greece
Age group: 11-12

Peripatos &
1st Primary School of Vrilissia

In Greece, cultural heritage related to antiquity is greatly considered to be not only an aspect that has shaped local identity, but also something for everybody to admire and be proud of. The process from excavation to showcasing is what most people would describe as an archaeologist’s daily job, however, this is not exact as various CCS professionals are needed to support this process along the way.

Through this programme, students discover all cultural and creative professions involved in the aforementioned process, allowing them to familiarise themselves with the way that the process from excavation to exhibition unfolds, in a hands-on and interactive learning experience.

This Learning Lab will result in an actual exhibition, staged by the participating students and displayed at the school.

Read full article

Lauder Javne Jewish Community School, Kindergarten and Music School

Title: Audible Visuals - the beginning of an audio-described World
Thematic Focus: Theatre, film & its accessibility
Location of activities: Budapest, Hungary
Age group: 14-15

Lauder Javne Jewish Community School, Kindergarten and Music School

This Learning Lab raises awareness for the need and importance of audio description (AD) in different types of media. AD is a form of narration used to provide information surrounding key visual elements in media works such as films, television programs, or theatrical performances for the benefit of blind and visually impaired consumers. These narrations are typically placed during natural pauses in the audio, and sometimes during dialogue if deemed necessary. Students participating in this lab learn about the basic rights and needs of the blind and visually impaired community. They discuss accessibility in general and cultural accessibility in particular and how AD can contribute to improvement.

As an outcome of this Learning Lab students create and showcase short AD’s for films and/or cartoons that will be available for the blind and visually impaired viewers online. The thematic focus is on their school and Jewish heritage.

Independent Theater Hungary &
Burattino Általános és Szakképzőiskola, Csepel

Title: Theatre is the Whole World
Thematic Focus: Theatre, script writing, performing
Location of activities: Budapest, Hungary
Age group: 14-20

Independent Theater Hungary &
Burattino Általános és Szakképzőiskola, Csepel

This Learning Lab inspires students to develop existing and new skills, introducing them to the world of theatre. During the workshops students analyse performances, followed by the creation of their own performance. Activities also include an insight into the importance of intellectual property and what it means to use/protect/respect others’ professional work and their own creations. Professionals of the CCS are accompanying the students during and beyond the duration of this Learning Lab to support them in their career orientation.

The ITH focuses on social issues and interethnic topics, with a specific focus on working with the local Roma community.

The co-creation process will result in a stage performance by participating students for the school community.

Escola Básica e Secundária Henrique Sommer

Thematic Focus: Music
Location of activities: Marinha Grande, Portugal
Age group: 15-17

Escola Básica e Secundária Henrique Sommer

The OMNILAB brings together young students in a music residency.  As a group, students are challenged to develop strategies to collaborate and create, produce, record, mix and master a song. They are accompanied in the process of preparing a cover, shooting a video clip and promoting it as a band. OMNILAB enables students to develop new skills and experience an immersive process, sharing knowledge and exploring new sounds with professional mentorship.

This experience allows them to discover the exciting future possibilities of the music sector and motivates cultural awareness and trust. Students, teachers and facilitators are learning together thanks to a hands-on approach including own research.

This Learning Lab aims to contribute to an aligned local community and a more inclusive future. Its final result will be a complete song including the corresponding music video which will be promoted by the students themselves during a locally organised press conference at the school.

Kentimiz İzmir Derneği &
İsmetpaşa Primary School

Title: Preserve, Promote and Share My Culture, My Story
Thematic Focus: Cultural Heritage
Location of activities: İzmir, Turkey
Age group: 7-10

Kentimiz İzmir Derneği &
İsmetpaşa Primary School

Kontak - Innovative Learning Lab is a social enterprise managed by the Conservation and Development of City Values Association of İzmir (CITY-IZ) and shares the concern for adequacy of formal educational systems preparing and equipping children with transversal and creative skills through innovative practices of knowledge creation.
This Learning Lab is inspired by the restoration of a 100-year-old historic school. The school was built on the foundation of a church and its bell tower, remains of which are still present in the garden where children pass by and play every day. The Learning Lab guides children through the processes of recognition, protection and re-vitalization of cultural heritage at their doorstep. It enables them to enjoy scientific and creative thinking. By means of guided research and the use of robotics, 3D design, coding and prototyping, children will create a 3D model of the historic church and bell tower exhibited at the school.
On 23 April 2023, National Sovereignty and Children's Day in turkey, an exhibition with audio guide and learning materials about the installation invites the school community to discover the result of this Learning Lab as well as a short documentary about the school’s history.
Read full article & interview with Kontak

Culture Hub Croatia &
School of Fine Arts Split

Title: Employ Yourself in Culture
Thematic Focus: Cultural management
Location of activities: Split, Croatia
Age group: 17-18

Culture Hub Croatia &
School of Fine Arts Split

The profession of cultural manger is still not well known or understood at the local level, therefore, through the Learning Labs we introduce new perspectives on the work in the CCIs, share examples and explain the principles of social entrepreneurship and innovation in the field, while opening the space for co-creation and ideation process.

Participants will map social challenges and use their creativity as artists and designers to provide possible solutions and start their own projects in future. The program will offer much needed knowledge on how to become self-employed, how to organize as a cooperative or association and how to launch a social enterprise. CHC will introduce the possibilities of students’ engagement within the creative hub PROSTOR in Split and will further mentor the students to potentially implement the project idea developed.

This Learning Lab will result in a slide-deck prepared by students, showcasing their ideas and the solution they co-created during a final community event. The ideation process will be explained and exposed on posters, prepared by the students themselves. A Q&A session will be organized in the presence of relevant cultural managers from the city and potential supporters of the project idea, allowing for networking and the opportunity for young talents to be discovered.

Artkomas &
Kulautuva’s lower secondary school

Thematic Focus: Design Thinking and architecture
Location of activities: Kaunas, Lithuania
Age group: 15-16

Artkomas &
Kulautuva’s lower secondary school

This Learning Lab will accompany students on a Design Thinking journey towards their dream school infrastructure potentially including leisure zones, a playground, green zones and so forth. Professional architects and landscape designers provide insights in architectural planning, material sustainability, green energy and the development of an architectural model. Students get an understanding of volumetric space & scale, the use of diverse materials and 3D printing. A co-creation process supports purposeful teamwork, context awareness and the opportunity to use modern techniques while broadening the students’ perspective.

This Learning Lab will result in volumetric model of the school’s future dream infrastructure, installed on the school premises.

Libelopia &
High School of Arts of Sibiu

Title: Ready, set, animate!
Thematic Focus: animation film
Location of activities: Sibiu, Romania
Age group: 18-19

Libelopia &
High School of Arts of Sibiu

This Learning Lab invites students to reconnect with the world after the covid-19 period by creating traditionally animated portraits of people they have never before talked to. The students will learn from experts in the field how an animation film is born: from concept to editing, animation, compositing, sound design, and music, and will be guided to implement the information in their own films.

As a result of this Learning Lab, students’ short films will be put together in an omnibus and shown in a local theatre at the end of May 2023.

Las Espigadoras &

Title: AULAFILM LAB: Creando el telar / Creating the loom
Thematic Focus: Film
Location of activities: Madrid, Spain
Age group: 14-16

Las Espigadoras &

This Learning Lab inspires students to design their own film club as a communal cultural space within the school, from its conception to its dissemination to the school community in a final event, through sessions that enhance their skills in critical and creative thinking, active citizenship and in cultural awareness.

The project aims to make them reflect upon their audio-visual content consumption and to give them access to the diversity of film culture, including different narratives, styles and representations of reality, which will develop their curiosity and empathy.

Students learn about the diversity of professions existing in the film industry by getting in touch with active filmmakers and learning to value film culture with the help of the Facilitators, in order to be aware of the film creation process as well as distribution and the role of intellectual property rights (IPR) in the film industry.

This Learning Lab will end with a final event in May during which the participating students present the project they have been designing throughout the year, their own film club! A first screening is organized, followed by Q&A with the audience.

Learning Labs News

This was the 2022/23 cohort of Creative FLIP Learning Labs Program

June 2023 This second edition of our own Learning Labs Program is coming to an end. It has been a school year full of learning, creativity, …

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Learning Labs Networking Meeting 2023

Impact harvesting & stories worth telling Madrid, March 2023 On 21 and 22 March a group of 20 cultural practitioners and cultural managers representing this year’s …

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School Full of Heritage

March, 2023 In the outskirts of Athens, Peripatos in cooperation with the 1st Primary School of Vrilissia is teaching students different ways to relate cultural heritage …

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My Culture, My Story

January 2023 “Smyrna is a princess” wrote already Victor Hugo who knew of the invaluable beauty and cultural richness of Izmir, and offered it a poem. …

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Shaping the world around us

December 2022 At St Mary’s College in Dundalk, Ireland, students are being encouraged to find motivation and thrive through creativity. In Ireland, before heading to University …

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Culture for all – Inclusiveness through theatre PLAY
(Production, Learning, Activities for Youth)

December 2022 In the end of the year Creative FLIP was hosted in Athens, meeting with Vassilis Oikonomou and Maria Dragatakis, facilitators of one of fifteen …

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