Creatives Unite is a one-stop-shop for the Cultural and Creative Sectors in the EU and beyond.

The platform aims to bridge the gap between artists and the overall ecosystem by giving voice to creators around Europe and gathering existing information about creative opportunities and mobility schemes, events, good practice examples, research, tools and much more on one platform.

How the platform was born?

Originally, Creatives Unite was developed in response to the pandemic and the pressing need to gather in one place pertinent initiatives and information related to the CCS in the EU in response to the COVID crisis. Following a virtual meeting of EU Ministers of Culture held on 8 April 2020 regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, proposed the launch of a platform for the CCS to share information and good practices among themselves. Since then, the platform is operated by the European Creative Hubs Network and the Goethe-Institut, representing Creative FLIP project and consortium. 

Visit Creatives Unite .

Creatives Unite is continuously being further developed. The latest addition to the platform are these tools, developed by Creative FLIP consortium.

an interactive tool providing a tailored overview of the different financing sources for cultural or creative professionals and organisations.
offers information, advice and links to existing resources about IP for culturaland creative professionals
Ths is how we work
mapping cultural and creative working conditions in the EU