From 27 – 29 November, the European Creative Hubs Network (ECHN) co-organised with Creative FLIP its annual Culture & Creativity Conference in Bologna, Italy. Under the topic “People-Planet-Profit: Ecological and Financial Sustainability in the CCS”, creative hubs from across Europe gathered at the fantastic premises of DumBO (Distretto Urbano Multifunzionale di Bologna) - a temporary urban regeneration space with almost 40,000 square meters dedicated to culture, art, social activities, music and sport.
In the rapidly evolving landscape of the Cultural and Creative Sectors and Industries, sustainability is no longer just a goal but a necessity. Bautopia 5 highlighted the interconnectedness of social, environmental, and economic dimensions, with a focus on how ecological responsibility and financial resilience must go hand in hand.
During 2,5 days of conference workshops, panel discussions, networking activities and visits, the participants discussed regenerative approaches, ecological responsibility and financial sustainability, offering innovative pathways to both environmental and economic success for the sector.
Day 1
The conference kicked-off with welcoming words by Andrea Giotti, CEO of DumBO, and Giorgia Boldrini from the Cultural Department of the Municipality of Bologna. Afterwards, Anna-Lisa Boni, Deputy Mayor for EU/Recovery funds of Bologna, addressed Europe’s climate challenges and the Bologna’s mission for 2030 neutrality and transition. Bertram Niessen, researcher, teacher and electronic artist, engaged the audience with his thought-provoking talk, “Sustainability was Yesterday”, urging the creation of new cultural frameworks for the upcoming years. The night concluded with welcome drinks and speed networking, where participants quickly connected.

Day 2
The second day was packed with interesting panel discussions, inspirational speeches and workshops. The experts of Creative FLIP hosted in total 5 different workshops and presentations – spanning from transformation policy, over peer learnings, to working conditions and sustainable financing models in the CCSI.
Sylvia Amann, Creative FLIP expert on transformation policy, introduced the collaborative role and card game for the CCS “
More than a 100 green culture dreams” and announced Creative FLIP’s newest research on good practises of cross-sectoral policies to further democracy in and with culture.

Joost Heinsius, Senior Expert on working conditions and finances in the CCSI, Isabelle De Voldere, Senior Expert at IDEA Consult and Eveline Durinck, Senior Consultant at IDEA Consult, discussed with their workshop participants the potential of impact investing for creative hubs, by showcasing the case of Music Innovation Hub. Elena Polivtseva, Independent Researcher on Working Conditions and Joost Heinsius asked, how we can ensure that greening and improving working conditions go hand in hand. Last but not least, Natassa Likourgioti from ECHN announced the upcoming Creative FLIP Open Call for the Cross-Sectorial Pioneers.

Day 3
On the last day, the participants had the chance to visit
Lottozero, in Prato. Lottozero is a creative hub and a design studio, with a textile laboratory, a shared studio space/ coworking and an exhibition area. Their mission is to create a fertile environment for textile research and experimentation in design, fashion and art, and an international base for people operating with textiles. Just before the conference, Creative FLIP collaborated with Lottozero and hosted its
Learning Labs Peer Exchange at their inspiring halls.
This conference was a great opportunity to exchange on innovational approaches carried out by creatives beyond their usual suspects.
A big THANK YOU to ECHN and DumBO for joining forces with us and making the Bautopia 5 conference so memorable!